3 Organizations to Get Involved with on Kiawah Island

3 Organizations to Get Involved with on Kiawah Island

January 13, 2020

Categories: Lifestyle

The Top Charitable Kiawah Island Organizations

Kiawah Island is home to a generous community that has supported its Sea Island neighbors for many years through charitable causes and donations. In fact, due to continued support from Kiawah locals, neighboring towns such as Johns Island and Wadmalaw Island have noticed significant and positive changes in their schools and communities. Residents of Kiawah Island have always had a passion for giving, which is why we invest a portion of our efforts into local charitable outreach programs every year.

If you’re looking for ways to get involved in Kiawah Island’s nonprofit organizations, read on for more information about three of our favorite community organizations based right here on the Island. 

1. Kiawah Cares Foundation

Kiawah Cares is one of the most recognizable charitable Kiawah Island organizations that offer assistance to all of the Sea Island communities. For the past eight years, Kiawah Cares has focused on improving the education, health, housing, and hunger of South Carolina residents, while working to express the importance of exposure to the arts and recreational activities. 

How to Get Involved with the Kiawah Cares Foundation

To become involved with Kiawah Cares, you can give through action or contribute financially. You may also consider donating items on their current needs list. This list is updated regularly with more immediate giving and volunteer opportunities throughout the organization. 

Current Campaigns

STEM Learning Campaign

Mt. Zion Elementary on Johns Island is in desperate need of funds to continue their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning curriculum for students. The STEM Learning Campaign will create educational programs and provide kids with hands-on, experiential learning in these four subjects. You can donate to the STEM Learning Campaign, here

Take Root Community Wellness Campaign 

The Take Root Community Wellness Campaign is an annual fundraising event that improves the overall wellness of nearby communities. Kiawah Cares wishes to add several programs throughout these areas to enhance all aspects of residents’ physical, mental, and social well-being. This year, the fundraising goal is $200,000. If you’re able to donate toward their cause, please click here

Humanitarian Aid Campaign 

Donations to the annual Humanitarian Aid Campaign have been selected to go toward four charities serving the Sea Islands. These four charities are: 

If you would like your donation to be awarded to each of these four charities, donate through the Kiawah Cares website. For in-person volunteer opportunities, click here. 

2. Kiawah Women’s Foundation

The Kiawah Women’s Foundation prioritizes not only women, but also children. This Kiawah Island organization provides food for the less fortunate as well as educational programs to better children’s lives. In addition, they have several fundraiser campaigns that Island locals can get involved in. 

Backpack Buddies

Their largest campaign is Backpack Buddies, which ensures children have something to eat during weekends when they can’t rely on school-provided snacks or lunches. Volunteers meet once per week to pack school backpacks with a variety of snacks to be handed out to students. 

Best Friends Forever Fund

Rather than buying a loved one a gift for their birthday, you can donate to the Best Friends Forever Fund in their name. The donations of this fund are split amongst several organizations that assist children and women throughout South Carolina. 

You can donate to the Kiawah Women’s Foundation directly here. If you would like to get in touch with any of their board members, contact them here.

3. Kiawah Conservancy 

Those with a passion for maintaining the native plants and wildlife of Kiawah Island may donate or volunteer with the Kiawah Conservancy. Like many Island residents, the Conservancy values Kiawah’s delicate environment and works to preserve the Island for future generations by maintaining the balance of the area’s fragile ecosystem.

How to Get Involved with the Kiawah Conservancy

If you would like to get involved with this Kiawah Island organization, donations of time are always accepted. Start by submitting your information on their volunteer form and selecting the areas of volunteer interest, such as garden keeping, on-call photography, or joining one of the several different committees available. You can also donate monetarily, or through more unique options such as donations of land or stocks and bonds. 

By helping organizations such as these, you can make a tremendous impact on the lives of others. Take inspiration from one of our very own, Jan Eubank, who has been involved in surrounding Kiawah Island charities for over 30 years. 

Here at Kiawah Island Real Estate, we are extremely committed to the betterment of our surrounding community and environment. To learn more about us and the Kiawah Island organizations we work with, take a look at our Community Outreach page. Or, contact us to learn more about the Kiawah Island community and discuss available real estate options if you’re looking to call Kiawah home.